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Dear Russia, I Would Like a Visa Please (Part 2)

In keeping with the spirit of making things difficult, you must apply for the Visa in person at the Russian Consulate and they only accept applications from 9am-noon, M-F. So, yesterday morning I left at 8am, drove through insane Bay Area traffic to San Francisco and didn’t arrive until 10:45am. Aaaaah.

When I got to the Consulate I was greeted by a man in the waiting room who was the most unpleasant, condescending person I’ve encountered in awhile. Grrr to you man. BUT, I took my seat, bit my tongue and waited. And looked around.

And noticed a sign that said, “Effective June 14, 2010, Visa processing fees for US and UK citizens will be increased from $131 to $140.” F. I have a money order for exactly $131. My trusty iPhone informed that there was a BofA about 10 blocks away, so off I went at a near jog.

Finding the bank, I landed the most chatty teller in history who was uber curious as to why I needed a Cashier’s Check for only $9. I was polite but nervous about making it back up 10 blocks of pure hill to the Consulate in time.

I ran. Flat out, ran up that hill. And arrived winded and sweaty, but with time to spare. I handed over my paperwork and after a few questions (and a quizzical look as to why I had both a Money Order and a Cashier’s Check) finally felt at ease.

However, apparently the Consulate only does business with FedEx and my envelope was not FedEx. Of course, why wouldn’t that be the case? Not like it said that on the website or anything. It was pushing noon and there was no way I could go out, get a FedEx envelope and be back in time. I agreed to leave the paperwork for processing and return in person in a few weeks when everything was finished.

See you again soon Consulate

*Sigh* Nothing is ever as easy as it sounds.

The drive home held even more fun and included running into a cyclist on Van Ness (just hit the bike, not the dude and he was really cool about it) and not having enough money to pay the toll on the Benicia bridge (I must have looked just pathetic enough because the toll booth lady agreed to cover the missing $0.50 for me – thanks lady!).

I made sure to stay out of the fast lane on the way back to Sacramento, lest I be pulled over and ticketed for who knows what.

BUT, the paperwork is in and I should have a lovely little Visa in a matter of weeks!