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Goodbye Fall

So its pretty obvious that the blog has seen a bit a neglect in the last few weeks. Lo siento. I thought I’d be on top of things and blog during my trip to Australia, but internet time was much more sparse than expected (I only checked email once the entire trip!)
Add to that the 3.15 inch tall (yes I measured it) stack of paperwork that greeted me when I arrive home and vuala – lack of blog action. Now comes catch-up time.
With Fall officially over today and Christmas only 23 days away (yikes!) I can’t help but feel that this year has flown by. Where did this year go!?! I have yet to finish gift shopping or get out decorations or get a tree.
There’s so much to do and yet by the time I get home from work and the gym around 5pm its completely dark and all I want to do is curl up w/a blanket and some tea. That, or jump back on a plane headed south where it is summer and the sunlight and warmth lasts well into the evening. If only!
Thus comes my new word/mantra for the time being:
Pretty sure if I keep repeating this little word to myself I might get something accomplished this week. Here’s hoping!