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Indian Feast – Party of One

About a month ago, two lovely travel buddies, Dominic and Alister, returned home from a year long around-the-world trip. Today, Dom posted pics from the time they spent in India. Never having been there myself, I voraciously scrolled through the photos.

Pretty awesome.

And inspiring.
To what end you ask? Enough to prompt me to purchase tickets and plan a trip?!?!?
I wish! But, unfortunately, no. Bummer. But it was inspiration for something a bit more immediate.
Several weeks ago I took an Indian cooking class at the Sacramento Natural Food Co-op (love that place!) and tonight seemed the ideal time to try out some of the recipes.

The only thing lacking was someone to cook for as the hubby was in class all night. So, I cooked an Indian feast for myself. Why not right?
It just means there will be some delish left overs for the next few days.

Butternut Squash & Green Beans in Coconut Curry

Lentil Rice Pilaf

Shredded Carrot Raitha with Raisins & Walnuts
**India photos c/o: Dominic Flannery