Back in April Craig, my brother and I headed to South America to meet up with one of my best friends (and running buddy Bobbi) who was traveling the continent for six months. We spent two crazy weeks bouncing around Peru and Bolivia before flying home from La Paz.
The last night we were in Bolivia was the day before Easter and as such most establishments were closed in observance of Holy Week. Pretty much the only place we could find that was open for dinner was an Indian restaurant (which actually sounded wonderful after eating countless meals of pollo con arroz y pappas fritas).
Craig and my brother opted for llama tikka masala (when in Rome) while Bobbi and I – plus other travel buddy Katee – went with the more domestic chicken and veggie tandoori and naan. While we cannot pinpoint for sure what it was (was it the llama? Maybe the Salteñas we had for lunch?), something made Craig veeeerrrry sick the next day, i.e. travel day.

culprit: llamas or salteñas
And by sick, I mean deathly ill. In fact we now refer to the whole debacle as Bolivian Death.
Below is an email that went out to friends and family after we finally made it back home.
date: Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:05 AM
subject: Home at last….
Hi Guys!
We made it home finally. Not sure how much you guys heard, but here’s the run-down:
Taxi to La Paz Airport – C about to pass out. Luckily only took 30 min instead of 45
At airport – taxi had no change so I got to run through the airport begging people for change for a $100. Old man takes pity on me. Pay cab. Check in at TACA – everyone there suggests Craig sees a doctor. He refuses, wants to get out of Bolivia. Start towards gate, but shockingly have to pay an airport tax ($24USD/ea!?! grrr) I pay while Craig runs to bathroom. At gate C in immense pain (should have seen the grimmace on his face). Throws up in the hall. Throws up in the bathroom. Throws up in a trash can. Security staff tries to get doctor for him. They are kindly told to leave. C too weak to carry anything. I become pack mule.
On Flight La Paz to Lima – C says he’s getting to the U.S. and then going to the hospital (good motivation). In bathroom the whole flight.
At Lima airport, 4.5hr layover – C can’t keep water or sprite down. Can’t sleep. Clutching stomach and groaning in between throwing up. I stock pile plastic bags for the flight. Check-in process at LAN is a nightmare unto itself. Starting to be like “Meet the Parents”…so much going wrong, its beginning to be funny (in hindsight only)
Flight 8.5hrs to LAX – Horrible. More the same. Only consolation was that we were in an emergency exit row (more leg room) right next to a bathroom. Few others are brave enough to use it.
LAX – get off plane and drag a nearly passed-out C through customs (he can barley open his eyes or stand up at this point) immediatly have airport staff call ambulance. LAFD shows up 20 min later (take your time guys – glad C didn’t have a heart attack). The drive to Centinela Hopital in Inglewood (word) is worse than the road to Uyuni. C groans louder.
Hospital – Admitted to hospital and hooked up to an IV drip of salene, antibiotic, and donnatel. Drinks green goop that makes his organs stop burning – first relief in 24hrs. C passes out while I get to contact Kaiser and the Airline to figure out how to get home since we will miss our connection. Eat bolivian easter chocolates intended for fam for breakfast…get stomach ache of my own. 5 hours later C is awake and able to stand/walk on own, discahrged and we cab back to the airport to wait another 2.5hrs to catch a flight to SFO.
SFO to home – Retrieve bags from left luggage people, put pack on, shoulder strap breaks. Waiting for bus to hit me. Have not slept yet, so starting to get delirious. Mom and Dad talking sounds like teacher from the Peanuts. Mad traffic on the drive to Sac. Stop at a Walgreens to fill prescription and get acceptable comida for C. Arrive at apt 9:30pm (12:30am Bolivian time) for a total travel time of 31hrs. Mushi greets us by throwing up.
I took an extra vacation day and we slept/rested most of yesterday. C still not great but he managed to keep soup down. Has appointment for tomorrow to make sure it was food poisening and not a parasite.
Hope the last 2 days have been far less eventful than ours.
* For more Photo Friday goodness check out Delicious Baby.
Ms. Paras,
While we are glad to hear your husband Craig has recovered from his ordeal, we were troubled to hear what he – and you, were forced to endure in your quest for wellness.
Though the LAFD transports an average of 551 people each day to the hospital, we seek to provide service that is not only competent and caring, but timely and efficient as well.
In reading your overview, we must admit to sharing your concern over an actual – or perceived response time of 20 minutes to come to your husband’s aid.
Though the tens of thousands of archived LAFD response records I have at hand offer tremendous detail, they only cover a 90 day period, making it impossible at this hour to investigate, better understand or clarify the response of Los Angeles Fire Department personnel.
That much mentioned, your concerns about the quality and timeliness of LAFD service can only bring me to offer an apology, and to make you aware of avenues for escalating your observation and experience to our Administration.
Should you desire or feel the need, the LAFD Professional Standards Division is available to you at:
Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,
Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department