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Photo Friday: Lions and Tigers and Kangaroos?

Just north of Melbourne, Australia is the suburb of Montmorency. This is home to the Sweeney family. And on the north end of Montmorency is a hugh expanse of undeveloped land that serves as a meeting place/home for scores of kangaroos.

While roos are novel to pretty much the entire world, they are seen as pests to Aussies – some even call them a plague on the country. Severe overpopulation has lead to roos entering residential neighborhoods and reeking havoc on landscaping and posing a threat to domesticated animals.

We saw one hopping around a neighborhood on the way home.
And while they look cute and cuddly, they’re extremely powerful and dangerous animals. (Picture hugh claws and super-powered kicks).

At the paddock we saw 75-100 roos – just relaxing in the evening sun. We could get fairly close (about 30 feet) before they moved away. What caught us by surprise was the attention they paid to us. As soon as we arrived, they just stared at us and only looked away to move in the opposite direction.

Watching them move was amazing – it looks a bit awkward with a giant tail balancing an even bigger body. But it was mesmerizing.
There were several joeys, some hopping around, and others peering out of their mothers’ pouches.
On our last visit to Australia, Craig and I have the opportunity to pet and play with a joey that had been abandoned by its mother. The mother of one of Court’s friends worked as an animal rescue specialist and took abandoned and injured animals into her home to rehabilitate before releasing them back into the wild.

The joey’s legs were impossibly long for its body and he was really clumsy; still learning to use his tail for balance. He had a makeshift pouch to sleep in that was a blanket strapped to a chair.
On this trip was also tried some kangaroo steak (sorry roos!) and it was actually really good. Not to mention its about the leanest meat out there – go figure.

*SueSweeney, Alison Ramey (cousin) and Conor O’Brien (bro) contributed photos to this post.
**For more Photo Friday goodness hop (no pun intended) over to Delicious Baby