Anyone who has known me for more than say, a day, knows that I am a sucker for a good rooftop. In fact, any outdoor patio situation brings a wide, child-like grin to my face.
Thankfully, our Nation’s Capital and I are cosmically in sync when it comes to this topic; the city is littered with fabulous outdoor dining and drinking options.

Also thankfully, it looks like the Forever Winter of 2014 is finally coming to a close (maybe?). Fingers crossed. This has obviously propelled me to begin picturing warmer weather, blossom filled trees and a cool refreshing drink sweating in my hand as I bask in the sunshine on some grand roof or patio. *sigh*
Plus, a friend recently asked me for recommendations on the least douchey outdoor spaces in the city – a question that really got me thinking. Because trust me, all outdoor spaces are NOT created equal. You have to be strategic and weigh priorities; some of the best views in town come at the cost of truly dreadful co-imbibers as company.

So what makes a place worthy of being included on a “Best” list? What attributes must it have? Well in no particular order…
1. Location
2. View
3. Non-Douchey Atmosphere
4. Quality Outdoor Space
5. Killer Happy Hour
If a place has at least two of these attributes, it’s a win! And if they’ve got three or more, you can generally look the other way if there’s a serious d-bag vibe happening.

In general, try to hit outdoor spots on weekdays over weekends and get there as early as possible to stake you claim. (Otherwise you’ll be left trying to box people out for space all night – these places get PACKED.)
To make things easier and much more aesthetically pleasing, I’ve thrown together a little Pinterest board (because I am obsessed with the mapping feature!!!) to help you find the best spots in town!
Just click the map below and I’ll see ya in the sunshine!