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Photo Friday: One Day in the Gobi

7am – Have already been awake for several hours, freezing.  Begrudgingly get out of bed, eat breakfast and pack up.

7:30am – Realize that the van has a flat tire.  Driver Jackie fixes it like a champ!

7:45am – Get in the van.  Its an icebox – as in, the whole thing is frozen. Think, “Ahhh, when will I be warm again!?!”  As we drive away, our host family flings a cup of milk at the van for good luck.

10:30am – Stop at a temple to take a break and have a look around.  Monk shows us the sacred scrolls of the temple.  Think it might actually be warmer outside than in the van.

11:45am – Camel spotting!!!!

1pm – Stop to see a Chinese copper mine.

1:45pm – Lunch!  Milk tea, followed by a soup of fatty mutton, rice, onion and celery, all topped with sour cream.  Finally feeling warm – I can feel my feet again (minor victory)!

4pm – Pit stop in a tiny town to buy water and snacks.  Run into some kids and have an epic dance-off in the middle of a dirt road.  They had me doing handstands and the Running Man!  Leave a few packets of sour patch kids in their capable hands.

6pm – Arrive at our Ger for the evening, unload the van and enjoy milk tea with the family.

6:30pm – Conor, Denis and Murtaza play Frisbee while Lara, Jacqueline and I check out the nearby hills.  The area is known for “having trees,” (!?!) which are really more like tall shrubs.  Collect firewood on our way back to the Ger.

7:30pm – Lovely sunset!  Conor helps Jackie fix a second flat tire.

8pm – Dinner is rice and mutton with pickled carrots and peppers.  It tastes delish (or I’m just that hungry).

8:20pm – Share a bottle of vodka with out hosts, followed by another bottle in our Ger.

10:30pm – Bed time.  Pile on the layers and curl up into a ball in my sleeping bag.  Pray that its not as cold as last night.

Vajrapani – one of three Buddhist protector deities…
please protect me from the cold!

For more glorious Photo Friday, Delicious Baby is calling!